UPDATE: Dawson County citizen-led group opposes school system’s plans to opt out of statewide floating homestead exemption
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Kudzu control options
Clark MacCallister
Kudzu vines can often be a problem in residential settings, especially along wooded edges near homes and along property lines. It can seem uncontrollable due to its prolific growth and ability to engulf entire trees. However, if you have a kudzu problem on your property, there is hope. With a little bit of knowledge and a healthy dose of hard work, you can get your kudzu infestation under control. First, let us examine the structure of kudzu vines and how they grow. There are three main parts of a kudzu plant- tubers, root crowns and vines. Tubers are the true “root” and underground storage structure of kudzu plants. Attached to tubers are root crowns, which are where vine growth sprouts from. These root crowns are the key in controlling kudzu infestations. The vine structures are the long, thin top growth of the plant, which often root and lay down more root crowns.