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Catching up on some well-deserved good wishes
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It may be a bit late to say "Happy New Year," but never too late to send congratulations and best wishes.

Because of illnesses in my family and because Christmas and New Year's holidays break the routine, my column has taken a back seat. Thanks to some faithful readers who remind me.

During those holidays, many churches, organizations and individuals stay busy making life better for others, whether it's providing meaningful programs, necessities or toys. They deserve accolades and appreciation.

Others are to be congratulated for jobs well done and victories won.

We welcome Cindy Gilleland Campbell as our new county manager, knowing that she will also have the support of others who were considered for that position and of outgoing manager Kevin Tanner.

We send many good wishes with Tanner as he heads to the General Assembly and thanks to Amos Amerson for his service as our representative.

Although seldom do we all agree, most of those whom we elect do have our county's (and even our country's) best interests at heart.

If we think that they do not, we can tell them so without being subjected to the violence that we see in some other countries. For that we are indeed grateful.

I do wish, however, that some of the citizens who disagree would be less disrespectful about it.

We can be proud of the recognition our county officials receive from their peers.

The Georgia Emergency Management Association not only named our EMS top agency in the state, they tapped our Billy Thurmond as best director.

Our Etowah Water and Sewer Authority received two top awards from the Georgia Association of Water Professionals.

Linda Townley, our tax commissioner, was selected to lead District 2 (nine counties) of the Georgia Association of Tax Officials.

And our commissioners were able to pay off our detention center debts ahead of schedule.

We may complain about certain actions here and there, but all in all, I think we Dawson Countians are fortunate to live right here.

Helen Taylor's column appears periodically in the Dawson Community News.

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