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Where do we go from here? Adjusting to the new normal
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My "here" is quite different from what it was at the beginning of 2015.

On Jan. 12, the nose bleeds that had begun during the weekend increased; at about 5:30 a.m., I called my son, who lives about five minutes away, urging him to call EMS for me.

The results were that the EMTs scotched the hemorrhaging; I subsequently went to doctor and several trips to ENT, and have no more nose troubles.

I do now have a humidifier to relieve the winter's inside dry air. I had never had that problem before.

But when Tony (my son) jumped out of bed, half-awake and panicky, he slipped and fell getting out of his house, but managed to get up and drive to my house and get there just before EMS without realizing that he had broken both ankles.

Trips to two emergency rooms resulted in surgery on left ankle and tibia (plates and pins) and right ankle in boot with clean break.

So the Taylor household is now like a temporary nursing home, with Tony completely unable to walk and me still getting about with walker.

Thank the Lord for a wonderful lady who was able to convert from my several-days-a-week helper to an almost-every-day caretaker, cook, driver and friend.

That's my "new normal."

Because both Tony and I generally live alone, we are now forced to be one household, including his dog. But we are managing.

Family and friends are kind to help in many ways. And "from here," we are going toward adjusting to present and changing circumstances.

We realize, of course, that we are not alone.

Imagine the adjustments necessary for those in the extreme winter storm areas. Or those in regions where terrorists are on the move. Or families who are exposed to the spreading measles.

Also adjusting and moving from a new "here" are those just settling into new positions, like Commissioner Sharon Fausett and School Board Chair Will Wade (although he's been there before) and Dawson County Woman's Club co-presidents Bev and Judy.

Congratulations and best wishes go to all the new officials. And to the Elliott family as they relish recent recognition and honors.

Actually, life itself is a constant readjustment to changing conditions, sometimes difficult, sometimes good and exciting, but always demanding that we face reality and offer our best talents.

That's my New Year's message.

If you had noticed that my column has been absent so far this year, now you know the reasons.

Helen Taylor's column appears periodically in the Dawson Commmunity News.