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Authorities urge caution after heavy snowfall in Dawson County
Emergency Services

Dawson County authorities are urging local residents to stay home and avoid going out on the road to avoid icy conditions and numerous wrecks that have occurred throughout the county. 

On Saturday afternoon Dawson County Fire and Emergency Services announced on Facebook that the following roads should be avoided: 

  • Hwy. 53 west of downtown Dawsonville. 
  • Gober Hill at Hwy. 53 
  • Hot Pepper Place to Hwy. 183 

"We will continue to monitor the weather and road conditions," the post read. "Again, we urge people not to drive until the snow passes." 

Authorities also say that any abandoned vehicle with caution tape on its mirrors has already been checked by public safety personnel. 

Due to snowfall, the Dawson County Transfer Station has also been closed and events planned for Rock Creek and Veterans Memorial Parks have been canceled 

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