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BBQ supports United Way
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A barbecue fundraiser Saturday supports United Way for Dawson County and its many local partners.

"I am looking forward to our annual United Way barbecue event that always has excellent barbecue, entertainment and fun times," said Chris Gaines, United Way board member.

"This year will be no exception and we welcome everyone in the community."

The barbecue starts at 3 p.m. and will be held at 303 Stillwater Lane in Dawsonville, the home of Jim and Barbara Wallace, who have held the event for the last several years.

The cost is $25 per person at the door the day of the barbecue. Children 10 and younger are free.

Funds collected during the campaign will be distributed in the spring to United Way partner agencies such as Boy and Girl Scouts, Rape Response, WEE Books and Challenged Child and Friends, among others.


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