Local Krystal franchise, the Franville Corporation, recently was awarded the top honor at Krystal's annual Franchise Business Convention in Chattanooga, Tenn.
This marks the third time that the Franville Corporation has been named Franchise of the Year.
"We are honored to have received this award, which is indicative of the hard work and enthusiasm of our employees," stated Travis Rogers, president and CEO of the Franville Corporation. "All of our employees have been working diligently and it's wonderful to be recognized. We also could not have done this without Hal Sims, our director of operations."
Noted accomplishments from the past year include purchasing three company-owned restaurants, while also opening the Dawsonville restaurant in a 45-day period.
The Franville Corporation is also ranked as a top operator based upon Krystal Brand Excellence scores with one of the lowest customer complaint teams in the company. These scores also show the franchise is a highest compliment team.
Krystal officials said much of this success is due to Rogers, who was one of the original Krystal franchisees and continues to be directly involved in all of his restaurants.
Currently, Rogers owns nine restaurants, with plans to expand in the coming years.