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City council moves to oust mayor
Investigation reveals several violations
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Dawsonville Mayor James Grogan was not in attendance at tonight's city council meeting when Gainesville City Attorney Abbott Hayes presented findings that point to city code and charter violations by Grogan. In the report Hayes delivered to the city council, Grogan was found to have made seven decisions that Hayes and the council agree are grounds for Grogan to be removed from office. The items Hayes discussed were the mayor's "unilateral" decisions to reduce rezoning fees for five property owners who applied to annex land into the city without council approval; signing off on charging Rep. Kevin Tanner a reduced rate for water, sewer and garbage for a commercial building in the city; approving payment to nonprofit organizations for golf tournaments in which Grogan participated as player; using a city credit card to purchase alcohol and gas while traveling on city business; submitting and approving payments for meetings that were not pre-approved for compensation by the council; and purchasing alcohol for door prizes at a Georgia Mountain Regional Commission meeting.
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