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Teen pleads guilty for restroom videos
Sentence includes jail time, boot camp
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Two days before he was set to graduate with honors from Dawson County High School, a teenager admitted making video recordings of women and young girls in three local restrooms.


David Walker Gormley, 17, pleaded guilty to three felony unlawful surveillance charges May 27 in Superior Court.


In a negotiated plea, Gormley was sentenced as a first offender to six months in custody, followed by 90 days in a state boot camp and the remainder of the eight-year sentence on probation.


Northeastern Judicial Superior Court Judge Andrew  Fuller also ordered Gormley to pay a $1,000 fine and perform 80 hours of community service.


As a special condition of his probation, Gormley cannot possess any type of video-recording devices.


Gormley graduated May 29. His sentence began June 1.


The teen was arrested in January after a female co-worker at Chick-fil-A reportedly found his cell phone hidden in the ladies room.


The investigation revealed Gormley had also made videos in the bathrooms of Grace Community Church on Beartooth Parkway and his home.


At least four of the dozen victims were under age 16. Two were described by authorities as “very young girls.”


Gormley was immediately fired by the restaurant management, who last week sent a letter to Fuller on the teen’s behalf.


Tony Keller, who owns the restaurant, told the court he believed Gormley is remorseful for committing the crimes.


“I know he understands the seriousness of his actions,” Keller wrote. “I have been very impressed with his willingness to cooperate and his maturity in accepting his punishment.”


Several teachers and coaches addressed the teen’s intelligence and moral character.


According to court records, business education teacher Beth Hamby, said she was “heartbroken at the poor choices that David made.”


“I pray daily that this experience will help him to become a better person in his future,” she said. “I pray that he will find a way to use his intelligence and talents to better the world around him, just as he did in my classroom.”

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