A Dawsonville resident has come up with a way to make Cabbage Patch Kids come to life and it has gone viral.
"This is the most unbelievable thing that's happened to me," Amanda Lillie said.
Last August Lillie started making crochet hats that resemble the hair on Cabbage Patch Kid dolls.
In the past week, Lillie's creations have been featured on TodayShow.com, GoodMorningAmerica.com, Cosmopolitan, Yahoo, HuffingtonPost, and DailyMail. She also did an interview with a television show in Germany. "It's just been unbelievable," she said.
"I made it and thought aww, that's kind of cute," Lillie said of her hats. So she posted the hat on her Etsy website. Etsy.com is a website where people with hand-crafted products can sell their work.
Lillie said she started her Etsy shop in the first place because she liked crocheting and made more stuff than she could use.
"I was glad when I'd sell like one hat a month," she said.
Lillie was inspired to make the Cabbage Patch hats when she saw a similar picture of one on Pinterest.
"I went and grabbed my dolls and pulled them out of storage," she said about how she came up with the pattern. "It took about a month and I had to learn a couple of new stitches."
By Halloween of 2012, Lillie said she had sold about two dozen of the crocheted hats. Lillie said she asked her customers to submit photos of their children wearing the hats. "I really wanted to see my hats on little girls and all my friends have boys," she said.
A customer living in Canada submitted a photo of her child wearing one of the hats and Lillie posted the photo to her Etsy site. Without her realizing, that's when the hats started going viral.
"About the middle of last week I was looking through my (Pinterest) boards and saw the photo where someone else had pinned it."
Pinterest is a popular social-networking web site where users can 'pin' ideas and photos they like and share with other users.
Lillie said she then realized someone else had pinned the photo from her Etsy site to share on Pinterest.
And now the orders are pouring in. So much so, she has to put a hold on the them so she can fufill the current requests.
"We've gotten hundreds and hundreds of requests. We don't know what to do. We're going to try to figure out where to go from here."
To purchase a hat visit TheLilliePad.etsy.com. There are patterns available to purchase. Lillie also has other items she has created available on the site. She said right now she is letting people know through Facebook when she is accepting orders for the hats. You can find her on Facebook by searching for The LilliePad.
Pretty soon though, Lillie will have a test subject for her hats. She's expecting a baby girl in September.