Colin Tredway, a sophomore at Dawson County High School, is considered by his peers to be an extremely intelligent kid who enjoys humoring his friends with his witty jokes.
His profile would fit many teenage boys. However, Tredway possesses a quality that separates him from most kids his age an incredibly strong work ethic.
And when the time comes to get serious, there is no monkey-in around for this Eagle Scout.
A member of Boy Scout Troop 109, Tredway has accomplished more in his 15 years of life than what many will accomplish in an entire lifetime.
The JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) cadet and member of the Raiders team recently received his Eagle Scout rank at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony held Nov. 17.
The average age a scout receives his Eagle rank is between 16 and 17. And in order to earn the rank, requirements include earning a minimum of 21 merit badges and the scout must plan, lead and manage an extensive service project.
Together with an army of volunteers, Tredway drafted, organized and executed his plan to build a five-obstacle training course at DCHS for his Raider teammates, and for future Raiders.
After the course was completed, Tredway fulfilled all of the requirements needed to earn his Eagle Scout rank. And he finished six months shy of his 16th birthday.
Now, he is pursuing the next step in his scouting career earn three Eagle Palms in addition to his Eagle Scout rank.
Its the highest ranking a scout can receive.
Yep, now Im going for all three Eagle Palms, he said.
Scout Master Tom French said he believes Tredway has the discipline to do it and his work ethic has already opened doors in his future.
Colin is young enough to go back and get all three of his Eagle Palms, French said. And that means a whole lot. It can be a deciding factor for him receiving a scholarship, or getting the last slot available.
French said college professors pay close attention to a students profile and many scholarship applications include a box to check if the applicant holds an Eagle Scout rank.
If you have earned your Eagle Rank at 16 or 17 years of age it shows you have acquired extra skills and have been taught important values, French explained. And if you go into the military with an Eagle Scout rank, you automatically go up one rank because you have already learned so many skills as an Eagle.
Tredway said he understands his hard work has given him an opportunity to choose where he wants to go to college.
But with more options available, it will make his decision much harder.
I guess Ill go anywhere that will take me, he jokingly said. And honestly, I have no idea what I want to do. I think being a comedian would be awesome, or maybe an astronaut.
I have been hip-hopping through my career pathways.
After joking around for a few moments, Tredway shifted into his serious mode and talked about his specific interests.
I really like genetic engineering, he said. Its basically a modification of an organic thing on the genetic level. And bionics would be interesting, too. And maybe even something more like generic robotic stuff.
Whatever career he chooses to pursue, Tredway will work hard to reach his dream. And hell have fun getting there.
Colin is a well-rounded youth, said French. School has played an important part in his life and the JROTC has been an important piece of that whole school environment. The scouting piece also allowed him to do things from a leadership and maturity standpoint.
French added Tredway has one special quality that enables the Eagle Scout to soar above the rest.
You have to understand that his family has a good faith-based household, he said. And thats one of the things that really makes him different. Hes got all those nice little components and he has a very supportive family.
French said Tredway has reached a milestone in his life that many will pursue, but few will reach.
I can tell you, he added, outside of scouting there are very few people who understand the effort that goes into becoming an Eagle Scout. Its not only a commitment by the youth but also by the parents.