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Dawson Chamber of Commerce emphasizes tourism
Craig Miller films a kayaking excursion at Edge of the World for a promotional video. - photo by For the Dawson County News
At last week’s Board of Commissioners meeting, Dawson County Chamber of Commerce President Christie Moore stood up to give a presentation on one of Dawson’s biggest boons: tourism. Tourism as an industry is alive and well in Dawson County, as Moore’s presentation made clear. According to the most recent numbers presented, tourism resulted in $52.39 million spent here in the county, which equates to about $1.47 million in local tax revenue every year. This tax revenue, generated largely by people coming into the county, spending their money, and then leaving, goes directly to helping the homeowners and citizens in Dawson County with their tax bill. Indeed, tourism is estimated to save the average Dawson County household approximately $462 in taxes annually. Tourism is also credited with supporting more than 500 jobs and a payroll of over $12 million in hospitality and other tourism-related industries in the county. “A lot of our tourism jobs are some of our higher paying jobs,” said Moore. “The hospitality industry tends to have jobs all across the spectrum.”