United Way for Dawson County kicks off its 2010 fundraising campaign this Friday with a Day of Caring.
Dozens of volunteers from area businesses will meet for breakfast and then head out to local organizations, like the Dawson County Senior Center, Abba House, and the humane society to assist with needed projects.
“This year we’ll have one group peeling apples at the senior center and another group painting the basement at the new chamber of commerce office,” said United Way Chairman Jay Sessions.
Volunteers will also pick up trash along the shore at War Hill Park, among other projects.
“We have 67 volunteers signed up, and we want to thank them all for taking the time to help out in our community,” Sessions said.
The morning of volunteerism will be followed by a luncheon to announce the group’s 2010 fundraising goal.
United Way for Dawson County raised more than $87,000 in 2009 and distributed the money to 14 partner agencies serving Dawson County.
Sessions said the current economic situation resulted in a decrease in contributions in 2009.
“The United Way board has several events, a tour of homes is one, planned this year that will allow us to raise the funds our agencies need,” he said.
United Way supports organizations such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Family Connection and the Department of Family and Children Services. Allocation recipients are considered early each year and distributed each spring.
The luncheon will be at 11:30 a.m. Friday at Community and Southern Bank’s conference center in downtown Dawsonville.
For more information, call Jay Sessions at (706) 344-3501, Ext. 245.