Grab your partner and do-si-do this Saturday at the second annual Old-Fashioned Barn Dance for children’s literacy.
Sponsored by Dawson County’s Wee Books Community Action Team and the Dawson County Homeowners Association, the dance, to be held at the Kinsey Family Farm, begins at 6:30 p.m. with wagon rides through the sprawling Christmas tree farm.
The farm is located at 7170 Jot Em Down Road in northern Forsyth County.
A bon fire and what organizer Marge Carey describes as “the best barbecue this side of Texas” will follow.
“Our barbecue chef is Mark Lenyk, who lives here in Dawsonville and makes the best barbecue in the state,” she said.
The dance starts after dinner when Bill Agerton, a member of the Atlanta Area Square Dance Caller Association, opens the dance floor.
Association President Jane Graves said the local homeowners group is proud to partner with Wee Books for a second year.
“We believe that young readers become future leaders,” she said.
Ticket prices are $25 each and include dinner, wagon rides and square dance lessons.
Proceeds from the dance benefit the Dawson County WEE Books Program, which distributes age appropriate, hardback books to children from birth to 5 years old at no cost to the child’s family.
Since its inception in January 2007, the local program, which works with the Ferst Foundation, has delivered more than 9,948 books to more than 500 Dawson County children at no cost to the child’s family.
To purchase tickets to the barn dance or for more information on the WEE Books Program, including how to register your child, call Carey at (706) 216-4872 or Ann Williams at (706) 216-2307.
E-mail Michele Hester at