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HOSA students compete at state level
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Several students from Dawson County High School who are a part of the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) chapter recently competed in the state leadership conference and junior Gabby Buchan took first place in the job seeking skills category.

The conference was March 9-11 in Atlanta.

Ashlynn Anglin and Rebekah Watson competed in the CPR/First Aid category. Heidi Collett and Jake Moore participated in Health Education. Cassy Dickey competed in Health Career Photography and Buchan in Job Seeking Skills.

"I am extremely proud of all these young men and women," said LeighAnn Dyer, RN, BSN who is the HOSA advisor at DCHS as well as a healthcare science teacher. "Many of them were first-time competitors at the state level and worked diligently on mastering their skills."

Collett and Moore took sixth in the state for their project about preschool dental health.

Dickey was a top-15 finalist for her photography portfolio.

Buchan's first place finish in the state has given her the opportunity to advance to a national competition at the International Leadership Conference in June in Orlando.

"This is my first time as an advisor to have a student advance to the national competition," Dyer said. "I am excited to attend nationals with Gabby and I'm confident that she will be successful in her event."

HOSA is a student organization that focuses completely on healthcare and provides opportunities for any students who plan to pursue a career in the field.

Students within the organization take on study materials in addition to regular class and homework to prepare and refine their skills. To compete at the state level, many spend extra time after school and take a state qualification test.

Students also receive classroom training and participate in competitive events. These provide opportunities for students to develop their healthcare skills which will in turn help them acquire jobs within the field.

The HOSA activities give students greater visibility within the community, particularly with health care providers and staff.


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