Students from Dawson County Middle School were recently given the chance to have their writing works published for a much wider audience to see.
Gifted Language Arts teacher Aimee Park had 66 of her students selected by Creative Communication to be published in its annual anthology "A Celebration of Poets."
According to the nationwide Creative Communication poetry contest, less than 50 percent of the poems entered into the contest are selected for publication.
"Since over 50 percent of Mrs. Park's students were selected for publication, Dawson County Middle School obtained the ‘Poetic Achievement Award' from Creative Communication," said school counselor Becca Wilson. "This honor is given to the top 10 percent of the schools who entered the contest."
The poems were chosen from the seventh and eighth grade classes.
"Dawson County Middle School is so proud of these students for their achievement of becoming published poets," said Wilson.
The poems will be published in the anthology on Jan. 29 and a copy will be available at the Dawson County Middle School library in March.