After five years of fewer school days, Dawson County will finally see a full calendar.
For the 2014-15 school year, students will be in class for 180 days, while teachers will return for 190 days, a furlough-free year for staff.
"It is extremely gratifying to be able to recommend a calendar with a full slate of days for students and faculty," said Dawson County School Superintendent Keith Porter. "This action moves our teachers closer to receiving the pay that they received five years ago, and, although it doesn't reach the full amount, it is definitely progress toward that end."
The Dawson County Board of Education voted Monday to approve the calendar for the next school year. It will begin on Aug. 7, with open house days on Aug. 4-6 for the various schools in the system. The year will continue on until May 22, with no teacher furlough days on the calendar.
"Each year, more and more is expected of our students, so it is vital that we provide a full student calendar," Porter said. "Thankfully, the students will have a 180 day calendar next school year."