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Riverview Middle School announces Students of the Month
RMS SoM pic
Riverview Middle School Students of the Month were (left to right) Nicky Gilleland, superintendent of Dawson County schools, Brandi Tong (eighth grade), Kayla Autry (seventh grade), Ethan Burns (sixth grade). Back row, Christian LeCave (seventh grade), Amanda Johnston (counselor), Jacob Wilkie (eigth grade), Kristi Gerrells (assistant principal). Not pictured is Ivy Grizzle (sixth grade). - photo by Photo/Submitted

Being named Student of the Month at Riverview Middle School is quite an honor.


Students are nominated by their teachers to be recognized as "top of the class" for the month.


Outstanding students demonstrate good citizenship towards their fellow students and teachers, as well as have a positive attitude that ensures their success.


They are selected based on how well they exemplify the monthly "Character Word" and a "30-Day Challenge."


These words are to encourage students to think about how their actions affect others, ways to improve themselves and doing their best in school. Recently, Riverview's Character Word was "Orderliness" and faculty encouraged students to be prepared and on time for class.


Teachers described the selected Students of the Month as generous, helpful and willing to go the extra mile to help others.


Riverview Students of the Month showed how important it is to be organized and ready for class.


Students selected were: Brandi Tong (eighth grade), Kayla Autry (seventh grade), Ethan Burns (sixth grade), Christian LeCave (seventh grade), Jacob Wilkie (eighth grade) and Ivy Grizzle (sixth grade).


As a celebration, students received a certificate and lunch with Amanda Johnston (counselor), Kristi Gerrells (assistant principal) and Nicky Gilleland (superintendent).

  Congratulations to Riverview's Students of the Month.
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