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Testing adult knowledge
Are You Smarter than a 10-year-old fundraiser scheduled for Tuesday
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From college students and retired teachers, to builders and county officials, they all think they are smarter than a 10-year-old.


Next week, Dawson County will see who indeed is the smartest during the fourth annual “Are You Smarter Than A 10-Year-Old” competition.


Sponsored by the Reading Education Association of Dawson County, the contest begins at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 13 and will be held in the Dawson County Middle School auditorium.


The association is a local non-profit organization aimed at educating the community through a variety of learning opportunities, including  partnerships with the Dawson County Adult Learning Center, which prepares students to complete their GEDs.


“Even though there will be a winner and bragging rights for the evening’s contest,” said Sandy Lipkowitz, director of R.E.A.D., “the real winners are those students who stay in school and graduate, as well as those adults who make the decision to go back to school, finish their education and obtain their GED.” 


While each of the contest’s 10 teams signed up to support the literacy program, Bobby Wallace, owner of Wallace 400 Waste and Scrap, said his reason was a little closer to his heart.

“I have an employee working for me that never learned to read or write,” Wallace said. “I usually don’t get that involved with my employees, but he just never had the chance. He wants to read, and there’s no telling how many other people are out there like him.”


Wallace’s employee is now getting ready to begin classes at the learning center in November.


“He is so excited that he’s going to be able to learn to read,” Wallace said.


The contest will mimic Jeff Foxworthy’s popular quiz show — “Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader,” with two fifth grade students from each of the county’s elementary schools on stage to assist the teams.


“We encourage all the schools to attend this event and cheer for their school representatives,” Lipkowitz said.


Last year, the City of Dawsonville’s team, made up of three Venture Scouts from the high school, won the game.


“We have a dynamite team this year. It’s a tremendous amount of fun and certainly supports a great cause,” said City Adminisitrator Kim Cornelison.


“With the earning power and self esteem that goes along with an education, it’s very important for people to become fully educated.”


Three students from Southern Catholic College will represent the city this year.

Magistrate Judge Lisa Thurmond, Superior Court Judge Jason Deal and Lanier Tech President Michael Moye will serve as judges for the program.


Columnist and musician Harris Blackwood will emcee the event.


Admission is $4 for adults, $3 for children or $15 for the entire family.


For more information, call (706) 579-1771.

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