Nearly 130 University of North Georgia (UNG) students performed research-based projects and presented their results during the poster sessions at the 24th Annual Research Conference (ARC) in the Convocation Center on UNG's Dahlonega Campus. Other students participated in panel discussions on topics such as educational experiences and musical research.
A number of UNG students from Dawsonville participated in the March 22 conference including: senior chemistry major Alexander Diodati, senior graphic design major Cayla Hall; graduate education majors Lisa McAnally, Paula Poss, Stephanie Moore and Lauren Stanfield; senior psychology major Dana Robinson and sophomore psychology major Isabella Parks.
"Some students conduct research because it is an important skill to learn for graduate school," said Dr. Bryan Dawson, assistant director of undergraduate research. But he thinks it is more than a means to an end. "I personally believe that research is a passion. It is a thread that goes through all of our students, who have an intense desire to understand their field better."
UNG students show off research projects at Annual Research Conference