It’s just a coincidence that Dawson County’s chief tax appraiser’s last day is April 15.
“Well my birthday’s on April 17,” said Clarence Brown, who announced his retirement last week. “There’s nothing more to it.”
Brown said he’s enjoyed his time working in Dawson County, but also looks forward to retirement.
“Immediately, I have no plans other than some projects around the house,” he said.
That could change once his wife, Donnas, retires in a few years.
“She’d like to travel around the world. I want to see more of the U.S. than I’ve already seen,” he said.
John Stegall, a member of the Dawson County Board of Assessors, said Brown has served the county well.
“He’s provided much stability and maturity in the office,” Stegall said. “The last few years have been very challenging with the real estate market, and he worked through that as good as could be expected.”
Brown has served as chief appraiser since October 2006 after working in the office for 11 years. Prior he spent 31 years as an appraiser in Lumpkin County.
“It’s been a blessing,” he said.