Dawsonville is working to acquire property between the Municipal Complex and library to use as an activity center and green space.
"The plan is to turn this land into what we've dubbed ‘The Main Street Park' project," Mayor James Grogan said. "Within that, we hope to have a small amphitheater, a splash pad and a park area for kids and a walking/running track around the entire facility."
The topic was first broached during an October meeting, at which time the council gave the mayor power to enter talks with the property owners, Rialto Banks.
"The bank indicated 18.18 acres, but we've looked at it and done the layout, and it doesn't show to be that much property, so we're in the process of coming up with a price," Grogan said. "We've made a tentative offer based on acreage rather than a lump sum price."
He said the city wanted to preserve the remaining land after the bank sold a nearby 3.3-acre tract to Whitley Engineering Inc. for about $60,000 per acre. The firm plans to build a 26,000-square-foot assisted living center.
"That's our goal for this," Grogan said. "We want the land preserved for the city's use rather than it be sold off in small chunks and be broken up."
Citing the ongoing negotiations, he declined to comment on a possible price tag.
"Currently, when we get ready to have a music festival, we have to get permission to be able to use the land," he said. "With this new area, we have a lot of uses for it and we feel like we should own it.
"That way, we can offer concerts to draw in more people to the city."