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City mulls precinct changes
Council vote could come in July
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As a cost-saving measure, the Dawsonville City Council may shift its voting precinct to Dawson County's voter registration headquarters.

If approved during next month's regular meeting, the November municipal elections would be held at the county facility on Academy Avenue.

Council members and city officials discussed the possibility during their meeting Monday night.

"It would be less expensive for the city, because [the county] won't have to have somebody from there come to city hall and transport all the voting equipment," said City Attorney Dana Miles.

Miles said in order to make the precinct change, the council must get clearance from the U.S. Department of Justice, advertise the measure in the newspaper and approve a resolution during its next scheduled meeting, set for July 11.

If the move is granted, Miles said the county's elections office would handle "all aspects" of the November election for the city's nearly 1,300 registered voters.

The Nov. 8 ballot will feature a referendum on whether to allow stores to sell alcohol on Sundays. In addition, two council seats and the mayor's post are up for election.

Glenda Ferguson, who chairs the local board of elections, said the panel would need to take "all the legal steps first.

"We're basically getting permission from all the right parties to make sure we can move forward doing it," she said.

Ferguson added that it would be advantageous in that it would "keep the voters from having to go to two different places on Election Day," as has been the case for past municipal elections.

"This just makes more sense to me," Ferguson said.

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