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Courthouse work is on schedule
Courthouse pic
As many as 100 workers at a time will be on site as construction on the county’s new 1-cent funded courthouse progresses over the next few months. - photo by Michele Hester Dawson Community News

Residents can expect an increase in activity as construction moves forward on the county’s new courthouse over the next several months.


“By December, you may have as many as 100 workers on site,” said Project Manager Bob Ivey. “We’re going to see an increasing amount of activity going forward from this point.”


Now in phase two, the new 1-cent tax funded courthouse and government center on Shoal Creek Road is on schedule to be completed in August.


“But I am very skeptical about that date,” he said.


Ivey pointed toward uncertain weather as the winter months approach and numerous soil issues.


Of about $200,000 in change orders associated with the early construction, more than $140,000 have involved soil.


“We’ve had a lot of issues with soil,” said Ivey.


Other than those, Ivey said setbacks have been limited.


Crews are currently working to secure the four story building’s steel beams and constructing the 36,000 pound dome.


“The bottom [of the building] to the feet of the statue is about 106 feet up in the air, so this building is going to make a statement,” Ivey said.


At a cost of $15.4 million, county officials say the $139-per-square-foot construction price is “the lowest in the state in the past 12 years for a building of this type.” The 111,000-square-foot facility, which will bring all levels of local government under one roof, will replace the current courthouse that has served the county since 1977.