G.L. Pete Gilleland Chambers at city hall
K. New Business
1. Resolution: Furlough for Dawson County Government - County Manager Tanner
2. Medical Insurance Renewal - HR Director Jay Sessions & Matt Bidwell
3. Approval of 2009 Audit Contract Extension with Bates, Carter & Co - CFO Lowayne Craig & County Manager Tanner
4. 2009 Byrne Jag Stimulus Grant - Grants Administrator Kaye Molden
5. Emergency Medical Supplies bid - Purchasing Director Jill Rathe
6. Approval to Reject the War Hill Bath House bids - County Manager Tanner
7. Approval of Station #2 Fundraiser - Deputy Chief Tim Satterfield
8. Approval to hold MDA Boot Drive - Deputy Chief Tim Satterfield
9. Re-discussion of ATV Ordinance - Sgt. Robbie Irvin
10. Policy stance on Habitat Conservation Plan – Public Works Director David Headley
11. IGA with City of Dawsonville regarding Fueling Station - County Manager Tanner
12. Authorization to purchase West 2nd Street - County Manager Tanner
13. County Manager Report
14. County Attorney Report
• Anyone wishing to speak at the Regular Meeting on any of these items must notify the County Clerk five days in advance of the scheduled meeting.
• Anyone wishing to speak on a non-agenda item must notify the County Clerk within 10 minutes of the start of the Voting Session.