6 p.m. Oct. 21 at city hall
A. Roll call
B. Opening Presentation: Ninth District Opportunity - Alice Williamson
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Announcements
E. Approval of minutes
• Minutes of regular commission meeting held on Oct. 7.
F. Approval of the agenda
G. Public comment (Three minute limit/person 15 minutes maximum)
• None
H. Alcohol license hearings
• None
I. Zoning
• None
J. Pubic hearings
1. Parade/Assembly Ordinance Update (2nd of 2 hearings)
K. Old business
• None
L. New business
1. Approval of the 2011 Payroll/Holiday Calendar
2. Approval to declare pool furniture as surplus
3. Acceptance of abandonment of Densmore Rd. West
4. Ratification of fundraiser for Dawson County Emergency Services K-9 Unit approval to renew sheriff's office VAWA Grant
5. Approval of sheriff's office records system
6. Approval of Lumpkin Campground Historic Resolution (tabled 09/23/10)
M. Adjournment
N. Public comment