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Elected officials get sworn in
A-Swearing in Ceremony pic 1
Newly-elected Commission Chairman Billy Thurmond is sworn into office by Superior Court Judge C. Andrew Fuller on Dec. 22. His wife Lisa Thurmond holds the Bible as he takes his oath. - photo by Allie Dean Dawson County News
Dawson County's newest elected officials pledged their allegiance to Dawson County and were sworn in Thursday morning at the Dawson County Government Center by Superior Court Judge C. Andrew Fuller. The newly-elected and their friends, family members and future colleagues gathered at 9:30 a.m. on Dec. 22 to swear their unwavering service to the county. "This is a very important day for each of you and a very important day for Dawson County because many of you who are here today are holding yourself out to represent the citizens of Dawson County, and you have been given that duty by the voting system that we all treasure," Fuller said during opening remarks.
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