Postmaster Andrea Phillips awarded seven Dawson County post office employees last week.
"These awards are for years of service," said Phillips on Feb. 15. "These employees total over 200 years of service for the United States Postal Service."
The recipients of the service awards each have more than 25 years of service.
The following employees received the award: Donna Reese for 32 years, Joyce Bryson for 31 years, Jackie Bruce, Kathy Gee and Eva Waters for 29 years each, Paulette Gee for 26 years and Steve Pritchett for 25 years.
"They are a great bunch of people. They all come in to work on time, do their job exceptionally and provide the best customer service in Dawson County," said Phillips. "I've worked in about 10 Post Offices and this is just one that stands above a lot of the other ones."