Dawson County is gearing up for its 2014 American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
The Purple Passion Party kick-off event will be held at 6 p.m. Jan. 30 at the Dawson County Board of Education Professional Development Center, beside the board of education on Main Street.
"This is our big kick off," said Kris Rowan, a yearly organizer for Relay for Life. "It's really to get the troops rallied up and get everybody psyched up for Relay."
Last year, Dawson County raised more than $51,000 for the American Cancer Society.
As of Tuesday afternoon, 13 teams have already registered and raised almost $3,700, according to the county's Relay site.
Rowan advised everyone to wear purple and be prepared for "lots of door prizes, fun games and activities" to get everyone enthusiastic for the spring event.
"The more support we have, the better showing, the more money we raise," she said. "Every penny that we raise goes to research. The cure is there, we've just got to find it. The more money we raised, the better chance we have of finding the cure."
The 2014 Relay for Life event will be at 6 p.m. April 25 at Veteran's Memorial Park.
For more information, visit www.dawsoncountyrelay.org.