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Fireworks, fun draw crowd to Sparks in the Park
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Denise Gordon, left, and Natalie Pruett toss Frisbees to their children Saturday at Rock Creek Park. - photo by Frank Reddy Dawson Community News

Daniel Higgins says he lives in the most patriotic place on earth.


“You name me one place that’s more American than Dawsonville,” Higgins said. “You know what? Don’t even try. You can’t do it.”


Like thousands of other local residents, Higgins came out Saturday for


Dawson Day Sparks in the Park Independence Day Celebration at Rock Creek Park.


The gathering featured food, activities, games and fireworks.


Higgins wasn’t the only one excited for the event.


Ben Chandler and wife Julie showed up sporting red, white and blue shirts and baseball caps. Their 2-year-old Daschund, “Kermit,” wore an American flag T-shirt.


“This is what it’s all about,” said Ben Chandler, a new resident to Dawson County. “It makes me proud to be an American.”


He added that “in an economic downturn like we got, this type of thing’s a lifesaver for the family. Free entertainment.”


Dawsonville resident Kirsty Russell said the event is “a good time for family and friends. It’s awesome.”


Russell’s friend, Crystal Rarick, agreed.


“The kids have fun. We have fun,” Rarick said.


Russell and Rarick have been coming to the local July Fourth celebration for many years.


“It’s a good tradition,” Rarick said.


Presented by Dawson County and Dawson Community News, officials said Sparks in the Park was a success.


“It was even bigger and better than last year,” said Cathy Brooks, Dawson County spokeswoman. “It went really great.”

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