The Bowen Center for the Arts in Dawsonville is now seeking artists for two upcoming juried art shows that will be held in June and July.
The first show will be an Earth Day-inspired “ECO art show” which will be on exhibit from July 11 to July 31.
According to a press release by the Bowen, the show will be sponsored through donations in honor of Sara Lindkrantz and by the Bowen itself.
“Sara Lindkrantz was an extraordinary artist from Jasper, Georgia who loved to use recycled materials to produce fabulous works of art,” the release said. “She enjoyed entering many art shows at the Bowen.”
The juried art show will be open to anyone. Entrants can enter up to three pieces of art by July 2 at 4 p.m. There is a $10 per item entry fee for adults, and students are free. Awards categories include a $500 Best in Show award.
In honor of Earth Day, entries will be made out of recycled materials.
“Acceptable materials include recyclables, post-consumer materials, scraps, fiber, plastic, glass, metal, wood, old paint, tools, junk, old stuff, treasures, pipes, PVC, toys, etc.,” the release said. “Please nothing smelly. No foods or liquids.”
The ECO art show will feature a virtual awards presentation on July 11 via Facebook.
The second show the Bowen is presenting will be the First Virginia Avery Memorial “Reflections II” juried art exhibition. This art show will be sponsored by the Atlanta branch of the National League of American Pen Women and the Bowen.
The Reflections II exhibit will be open to all women artists who create art, photography and 3D works, according to a press release by the Bowen.
“Two judges, one for art and 3D, and one for photography will choose awards which include $500 for Best in Show plus awards for each category. First $500, Second $300 and Third $200,” the release said. “Categories are Art (2D, paintings all medias, drawings), Photography (includes digital), 3D (all media).”
Entrants can submit up to three entries digitally by July 3, 2020. Entry fees are $15 per piece or $40 for 3 pieces. The Reflections II show will feature a virtual awards presentation on August 1 via Facebook.
For more information on upcoming shows call the Bowen at (706) 216-2787 or email