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Woman dies following two vehicle collision on Ga. 400
Ga 400 wreck
A two-vehicle wreck closed down Ga. 400 southbound in front of BB&T Friday morning. A woman driving a Toyota Prius died from injuries sustained in the crash. - photo by Jessica Taylor
Ga. 400 wreck
A red Jeep Grand Cherokee was totaled after a two-vehicle wreck on Ga. 400 on Friday. - photo by Jessica Taylor
Ga. 400 wreck 4
A two-vehicle wreck involving a Toyota Prius hybrid and a Jeep Grand Cherokee shut down Ga. 400 at Hwy. 53 in front of BB&T. Sherri Deal, 55, of Sugar Hill, died from injuries she sustained in the wreck. - photo by Jessica Taylor

A two-vehicle head-on collision killed one and injured another this morning at the intersection of Ga. 400 and Hwy. 53.

According to a report from Georgia State Patrol, at approximately 9:15 a.m. Friday, a black Toyota Prius driven by Sherri Deal, 55, of Sugar Hill, was traveling north on Ga. 400 in the right lane of the left turn lanes that continue to Hwy. 53 west. 

Another vehicle, a red Jeep Grand Cherokee driven by Benny Smith, 66, of Gainesville, was traveling south on Ga. 400 in the left lane

Deal failed to obey the traffic control device and ran the red light, the report states. The front of Smith’s car struck the front passenger side of Deal’s car. 


Deal was transported to Northeast Georgia Medical Center where she died due to her injuries she sustained in the crash.


Smith was transported to Northeast Georgia Medical Center for treatment.


The report states seat belts were in use in both vehicles and alcohol is not suspected in the crash.





Ga 400 wreck 2
A woman died following a Friday morning crash on Ga. 400. - photo by Jessica Taylor
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