Despite near record-setting heat, over 1800 runners representing 58 teams converged on Unicoi State Park on Oct. 3 for the Runners Fit Mountain Invitational. Taking place on the same course as 7-AAA regional championship, the race offered the perfect opportunity for the Dawson County cross country program to assess their capabilities at the half-way point of the season according to head coach Charles Beusse.
“The experience gained in running the region course is very important, but it's sort of apples and oranges to compare ourselves to other 7AAA teams at Unicoi simply due to the size of the race,” Beusse said. “Region is much smaller and so scores can look much different than they did at Unicoi. The good news is that I think this will play to our favor for both the boys and girls at region.”
Dawson County cross-country teams excel at Unicoi

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