The Dawson County High School football staff is offering a six-week training program for middle school athletes that will include an introduction to the Dawson County offense, defense and special teams, Tiger training regimen and modern speed, power and agility training. The program is designed for upcoming seventh and eighth graders.
The camp will run from June 8 through July 17 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. each Tuesday and Thursday at the Dawson County High School Athletic Complex.
Individual cost will be that each athlete participate in the football fundraisers to help build facilities at the high school.
These fundraisers will include discount cards, boost me up, and corporate sponsorships.
Participation in the fundraisers and each athlete will receive a 10 percent refund back on all funds raised.
Each camper will be exposed to the principles of the Dawson County offense, sports-specific physical training, introduction to special team's positions (snapping, kicking, punting, and returning), team building drills and skills, leadership and character emphasis.
The athletic emphasis of the camp will be focused on dynamic warm-up, movement efficiency, explosive starts, over speed training, agility training, straight ahead speed training, lateral speed development, deceleration training, mobility and stability development, core strength development, recovery and regeneration.
There is also a camp from June 8 through July 17 for youth that are not yet in middle school. The program will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays at the high school.
The camp for the younger kids will focus on the same skills as the camp for the older kids.
To get more information about the camp visit the Dawson County High School website at