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Overview: Board of Regents
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In continuation of our budget series, we will now focus on the state’s FY2013 budget appropriations for the Board of Regents. 

The members of the Board of Regents are appointed by the governor, and their terms last for seven years.

There are 18 members of the Board of Regents, including one member from each of the 13 congressional districts and five members appointed from the state-at-large. The Board oversees the University System of Georgia, which consists of 35 colleges and universities, the Skidaway Institute of Ocean-ography and the Georgia Public Library Service.

The University System of Georgia receives appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly, and the Board of Regents approves the budget for the University System. 

For FY 2013, the Board of Regents approved a budget of $1.8 billion with total funds (including tuition, research funds and federal grants) reaching $6.2 billion. This is an increase of $89.6 million (5.16 percent) from the current year.

In addition, the Board of Regents approves tuition increases for University System of Georgia, or USG, colleges and universities.  Last month, the Board approved tuition increases — to go into effect this fall — which will increase tuition at most institutions by 2.5 percent. However, there are three exceptions to the 2.5 percent increase: tuition at Georgia Tech will increase by 6 percent, tuition at UGA will increase by 5 percent, and tuition at Georgia State University will increase by 3.5 percent.

FY 2013 Board of Regents Appropriations

• Agreed to restore the $112,447 cut to the Georgia Tech Research Institute, or GTRI; and add funds to GTRI by $50,000 to research industrial storm water solutions for Georgia’s poultry industry.

• Restored the $583,453 cut to the Medical College of Georgia Hospital and Clinics.

• Added $3.6 million for the Health Professions Initiative for graduate medical education and the Nursing Faculty Initiative.

• Added $76.4 million for enrollment growth which is based on a 3.05 percent increase in semester credit hours and operations related to additional square footage.

• Reduced funds for personnel and operations by $35.3 million as part of the 2 percent cut to Regents. Added $25,000 for the Southern Legislative Conference’s Center for Advancement of Leadership Skills program which will be held at Georgia State University during FY2013.

• Agreed to not place Georgia Gwinnett College on the same formula-funded support in the University System in FY2014.

• Added $500,000 for a teaching Eminent Scholar.

Sen. Steve Gooch represents the 51st Senate District, which includes Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Pickens and Union counties and portions of Forsyth and White counties. He may be reached at (404) 656-9221 or via e-mail at