During this hopeful season we are reminded of the many blessings we enjoy, and we renew our sense of what is important in our lives. We gather with our family and friends to share old traditions and create new ones.
The news tells us stories of families’ Christmas celebrations being less this year due to economic hardships. We hear, “How do I tell my children that there will be less presents under the tree?”
Every year about this time, Christmas becomes a stressful time of year with frantic schedules, overspending, busy stores with customers fighting over potential presents, long lines and lots of traffic. Christmas can be overwhelming, especially during tough economic times. We think that by having more wrapped presents under the tree, the day will be so much better.
Christmas is a day of celebration in remembrance of the Lord giving us his only son, Jesus Christ. It’s in this spirit that we spend the season preparing for His arrival and giving gifts to others. This was the first “Pay it Forward.”
This year, I ask Georgians to remember the true meaning of Christmas and really do something special for others.
The gift of life, love, peace and prosperity are things we can share together and are so much more than a present under the tree.
Send an e-mail, or a letter, to a service member stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Pray for their safe return and be thankful for the freedoms they protect.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen or give an extra can of food to a local food bank.
Turn off the TV and gather with your family for a game night, showing children the gift of love and laughter they bring.
Buy breakfast for a coworker. Send a few extra holiday greeting cards just to show you care. Help somebody with their luggage at the airport.
Let somebody check out at the mall before you. Give your parking space to another driver. Donate a brand new toy to Toys for Tots.
These are just a few small gestures of giving.
Regardless of religion, we can all share the gift of giving with each other.
Let me leave you with this last thought from Ronald Reagan, “Christmas means so much because of one special Child. But Christmas also reminds us that all children are special, that they are gifts from God, gifts beyond price that mean more than any presents money can buy. In their love and laughter, in our hopes for their future, lies the true meaning of Christmas.”
May the blessing of Christmas be with you and your family.
It is an honor to serve you in the General Assembly.
Merry Christmas.
Sen. Chip Pearson serves as chairman of the Economic Development Committee. He represents the 51st Senate District, which includes Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Pickens and Union counties and portions of Forsyth and White counties. He may be reached at (404) 656-9921 or via e-mail at chip.pearson@senate.ga.gov.