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Watch bills, resolutions during session
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During each legislative session, some 2,000 bills are introduced by legislators. 


At the end of the session, just over 200 bills will make it through both houses and be sent to the governor for his signature. 


Here’s a brief look at some of the early house bills and resolutions that have been introduced during the first week of the session. 


I’ve listed them as HB (House Bills) and HR (House Resolutions) together with the house committee to which they have been assigned. 


If you want more information on these bills and resolutions go to  You can access the complete bills and resolutions that come out of the house and senate and can track them through the legislative process.


• HB 1 (Ways & Means) Freeze valuation of residential and non-residential real property.


• HB 14 (Government Affairs) Non-partisan election of sheriffs and district attorneys.


• HB 19 (Motor Vehicles) Penalty points for use of cellular, hands-free, or mobile telephones or other wireless communication devices while operating a motor vehicle.


• HB 22 (Agriculture & Consumer Affairs) Require use of safety belts by all occupants in all passenger vehicles, including pick up trucks.


• HB 23 (Motor Vehicles) Prohibit use of cell phones or text messaging by persons under 18 while operating a motor vehicle.


• HB 33 (Judiciary) Require each local school system to adopt a policy on limited public forums and voluntary student expression of religious viewpoints.


• HB 45 (Government Affairs) Proof of United States Citizenship to register to vote.


• HB 53 (Judiciary Non-Civil) Require policies that prohibit law enforcement officers from impermissibly using race or ethnicity in determining whether to stop a motorist.


• HB 72 (Government Affairs) Repeal law providing for county surveyors.


• HB 85 (Government Affairs) Non-partisan election of sheriffs, tax receivers, tax collectors and tax commissioners.    


• HR 12 (Government Affairs) Verification of a person’s citizenship to determine eligibility to vote.


• HR 22 (Industrial Relations) Guarantee right of individuals to vote by secret ballot.


• HR 23 (Industrial Relations) Disapproval of enactment of legislation regarding labor union elections (also see HR 22 above).


• HR 32 (Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications) Urging Governor Perdue to proceed with leases for the exploration and drilling for oil and natural gas off the Georgia coast.


• HR 75 (Judiciary Non-Civil) Establishment of statewide grand juries.

I am a voting member of the following House Committees:  Appropriations (K-12); Higher Education; Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications; and Science & Technology.


I will be voting in committee on those bills and resolutions identified above as being assigned to one of these committees.  I will also be voting on all bills and resolutions that reach the house floor. 


During the Session, I’ll continue to keep you up dated on the status of house bills and resolutions that might be of interest to you.


Last week I received hundreds of calls, letters and e-mails concerning the Governor’s proposed elimination of Homeowners Tax Relief Grants ($428 million), school nurses ($30 million), and the special salary increases for National Board Certified Teachers ($12 million).  The HTRG does not affect our homestead exemption of $2,000 or our recently enacted property tax relief for elderly and disabled.


Let me know which of these bills and resolutions are of interest to you.


You can meet with me during one of my Saturday morning breakfasts with constituents.  My Jan. 31 breakfast will be at 8:30 a.m. at Ryan’s Steakhouse at SR 53 & 400 in Dawson County. 


My Feb. 7 breakfast will be at 8 a.m. at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant in Dahlonega.  I’ll let you know the location and dates of other Saturday morning breakfasts in Lumpkin and Dawson County as the session progresses.


Amos Amerson can be reached at 401 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334, (404) 657-8534, fax (404) 463-2044, e-mail

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